ICC Orientation

As per the POSH Act, the Internal Complaints Committees (ICCs) appointed by every organization have been vested with immense power. While this is a unique concept that can be leveraged to bring about a massive change in the way sexual harassment cases are handled, getting the right people into the committee itself poses a major challenge.

Ensuring fairness and justice while dealing with sensitive and complicated sexual harassment situations is certainly a huge challenge and some concrete steps can be taken by the employer to equip and empower the ICCs to handle them.

Constant up-skilling of ICC members through trainings and availability of legal/experts help when needed. Encouraging ICC members to talk about their unconscious biases as the first step to overcoming them. Providing the technical and logistical help so that meetings can be conducted via video conferences, etc s a must.

SHAURYA is experienced and equipped to orientate and guide the ICC members.